Total families: 420 Events
Total marriages Total divorces
280 0
Marriages by century Divorces by century
Marriages by century
Earliest marriage Earliest divorce
marc yvonnou + constance quénéc'hervé
Marriage 1600
Latest marriage Latest divorce
This information is private and cannot be shown.

Length of marriage
Longest marriage - 82 years Shortest marriage - 1 year
Pascal Mahé + Hélène Le Coq René Millour + Marie Jeanne Coadic
Marriage November 3, 1830 Lanriec, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Age in year of marriage
Youngest male - 7 months Youngest female - 4 months
Jacques Poulichet
Marriage June 29, 1814 Kernével, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Hélène hascoet
Marriage August 30, 1748 Gourlizon, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Oldest male - 49 years Oldest female - 42 years
Christophe Poulichet
Marriage April 30, 1899 Saint-Yvi, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Marie Louise Le Doucen
Marriage July 29, 1857 Paule, Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, France
Average age in century of marriage

Age at birth of child
Youngest father - 18 years Youngest mother - 13 years
marc yvonnou
Birth 1582
Death April 1615 ‎(Age 33)‎ locmaria an hent, finistère, bretagne, france
Catherine labbe
Birth May 6, 1716 Elliant, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Oldest father - 78 years Oldest mother - 79 years
Christophe Joseph Poulichet
Birth October 15, 1875 Male26 Female26 Saint-Yvi, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Death November 4, 1928 ‎(Age 53)‎
Marie Jean Le Beux
Birth December 5, 1874 Melgven, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Children in family
Average number of children per family Number of families without children
2.05 68
Average number of children per family Number of families without children
Largest families Largest number of grandchildren

Age difference
Age between siblings Greatest age between siblings
Marie Louise Millour
Birth July 8, 1803 Male21 Female19 Scaër, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Death April 25, 1806 ‎(Age 2)‎ Scaër, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Pierre Millour
Birth October 16, 1828 Male47 Female44 Fouesnant, Finistère, Bretagne, France
Death May 31, 1896 ‎(Age 67)‎ Fouesnant, Finistère, Bretagne, France

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Age between husband and wife Age between wife and husband