Birth 1770 Male24 Female22
Birth of a brother 1771 ‎(Age 12 months)‎
Birth of a brother January 14, 1775 ‎(Age 5)‎
Birth of a sister June 27, 1777 ‎(Age 7)‎
Birth of a brother 1779 ‎(Age 9)‎
Death of a paternal grandmother March 29, 1779 ‎(Age 9)‎
Death of a paternal grandfather November 9, 1779 ‎(Age 9)‎
Birth of a sister 1782 ‎(Age 12)‎
Birth of a brother April 7, 1784 ‎(Age 14)‎
Birth of a brother 1787 ‎(Age 17)‎
Birth of a sister 1789 ‎(Age 19)‎
Death of a father 1794 ‎(Age 24)‎