La Taverne des Hobbits
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Règles du jeu



Can you discard birds from your player mat?

No, once you play a bird, it’s permanent.

When I gain food from the birdfeeder, do I choose all of the dice at once, or one by one?

Choose dice one at a time. This creates the potential for you to reroll in between dice selections.

My bird card says ‘WHEN ACTIVATED: Gain 1 [food type] from the birdfeeder, if there is one.‘ There’s another bird card that says I can gain a specific food “if available.” Can I reroll if there’s only one type of die face in the feeder?

Yes, regular reroll rules apply whenever you have the opportunity to gain food (see “Managing the birdfeeder”).

When activating “migrating” birds that can move from one habitat to another, does the action token move with them? Can they move even if they’re the only bird in the original habitat?

The action token stays with the original row, as that’s the action you chose for this turn. And yes, even if the bird is the only bird in the original row, they can fly over to another habitat (the point is just that they can’t move if there’s a bird card to their right).

When a bird says that I can “repeat” another bird’s ability in the same habitat, how does that work?

Basically, it means that you can re-activate any other “when activated” bird in that habitat. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already activated that bird or not this turn.

Is the percentage on the Omnivore Expert bonus card correct?

No, it should be 16%, not 10%.

What does the Photographer score for 4-5 birds with colors in their names?

This is a typo. Instead of 2-3, it should say 4-5.